
Telling the story of anne frank


• Project lead
• customer journey sessions
• content mapping
• user research
• Storytelling concept
• DiGital Roadmap


a storytelling concept for anne frank.

The Anne Frank House is the place where Anne Frank and her family hid from the nazis during WWII. The house in Amsterdam - now a museum - draws over a million visitors a year, but the interest spans much further: Her diary is being read by millions, the story is being taught in schools across the world.

The Anne Frank House asked us to create a new online storytelling concept to bring all of the aspects of Anne's story together for an international audience

A co-creative process
To help the Anne Frank House staff to expand their human-centered design skills, we used a co-creative process: bringing people from across the organisation together to share their knowledge and experiences, and test the ideas with real users.

The resulting storytelling concept was prototyped and tested with international visitors and visiting teachers, and adjusted to fit their needs. 

After delivering the storytelling concept, the Anne Frank House asked us to create a campaign site, followed by a blueprint and design for the corporate site.

The website was launched in 2018.


This project is a  collaboration with